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Этот бодибилдер уже 27 лет принимает стероиды.

7 мин

Это 45-летний американский бодибилдер Рич Пиана (Rich Piana) и он является обладателем полного комплекта излишеств — начиная от десяти приемов пищи в день и заканчивая совершенно безумным телом.

Это Рич Пиана из Лос-Анджелеса и его девиз: «Любой ценой». И если ваша цель состоит в том, чтобы построить сумасшедше огромное тело, то, конечно, это подразумевает, что вы будете принимать стероиды.

45-летний Пиана (на фото с женой Сарой), вес которого в настоящее время составляет около 140 килограммов, открыто признается в использовании стероидов, начиная с 18-летнего возраста, и даже публикует в интернете графики употребления препаратов.

И хотя Рич предостерегает последователей от использования стероидов, сам он продолжает настаивать, что полностью доволен своим выбором.

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311lbs! A gain of 35lbs in 7 weeks but the most important fact is that I'm a hell of a lot leaner than I was at 276lbs! Leaner, Bigger, Full as Fuck!! The last 7 weeks has been an awesome journey and I hope everyone has been enjoying it as much as me!! To all the negative people that say it's impossible to put that much muscle on in that amount of time important message is just because you can't do it DOES NOT mean that nobody else can do it!! #believetoachieve The mind is the most powerful tool we have and if you believe you can't than you won't!! If you know 100% you can then you will!! #positive #whateverittakes #welcometomyworld The World where anything is possible!! #killthatshit #5percentermentality #forlife Ready to Fuck Shit up tomorrow at the Arnold Expo!! Let's Do This!!

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New high of 314lbs!! Ok everyone I have to be honest and say I am miserable at this size and definitely not wanting to continue putting size on! I know I have more than proven my point of how easy it really is to be successful in life at whatever you choose if you are willing to do #whateverittakes and work your ass off 24/7 and #nevergiveup my total gain in muscle is 38lbs in 9 weeks and I'm at 9 meals a day and not even at the craziest part of the cycle!! Going up to 12 meals and adding the tren and anadrol in will just be insane!! Looking at this pic it's very clear to me that I have surpassed what I would call an incredibly insane awesome bodybuilding physique! This is just to much!! My head is ready to explode!! Lol! Tell me what you guys think? I will continue the videos and always motivating the fuck out of you guys but might put the brakes on as far as myself getting any Bigger!! Continue doing "Bigger by the Day" program and definitely need those arm feeders to catch them up to my shoulders!! Just not continue packin on the size!! So everybody else keep going and We will be doing a program on getting off and maintaining all that muscle!! So keep Fucking going God Damn it!! #monstersdoexist #biggerbytheday #bigasfuck #killthatshit #nosuchthingasovertraining #loveitkillit #1dayumay #2016bringingbigback #eatbigtogetbig #nopainnogain #welcometomyworld #5percentnutrition #5150 #killit #realfood #fullasfuck #alldayumay #motivation #inspiration #monstermode

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Будучи сыном матери-бодибилдерши, Пиана познакомился с миром вейтлифтинга в возрасте всего 11 лет, после того, как начал ходить в спортзал, чтобы посмотреть её подготовку к соревнованиям.

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I'm Loving this journey of getting Huge for 2016 and Love the fact that so many people have joined me on this journey and like I say #weareallinthistogether like a big #family I have already smashed my goal of 30 pounds when I hit 310 which is 34lbs in about 5 weeks!! I will keep going and this is when it really counts so hang in there and keep Killing it everyday!! Today's workout out will be calves and forearms and there will not be a video but there will be one for sat which will be shoulders!! So remember we added a meal so we are up to 9 meals a day which I have to admit seems almost impossible but it can be done! It has to be done and we have got to make this Shit happen!! #whateverittakes #welcometomyworld the World of never giving up and makin Shit Happen!! #5percenters #forlife #biggerbytheday #2016bringingbigback #eatbigtogetbig #nopainnogain #nevergiveup #Killinshit #realfood #realfood #loveitkillit #livinthedream #richpiana #1dayumay

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Он начал принимать стероиды в возрасте 18 лет, после неудач в конкурсах бодибилдеров, и с тех пор начал успешно выступать в чемпионатах и даже стал обладателем титула «Мистер Калифорния».

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No "Bigger by the Day" video today just Killin calves actually destroying calves!! Calves used to be my best body part back in the day!! I use to be that guy that everyone asked what do you do for your calves and I would say "I don't even train them"! Well that Shit doesn't last forever it caught up with me and now calves are a weak point!! So I really need to blast the Shit out of them 2-3 days a week!! Nothing worse than skinny ass calves or skinny ass forearms!! I have to say that calves are one of my favorite body parts visually and genetics plays a huge role in developing incredible calves. Tomorrows "Bigger by the Day" workout we are going to hit Tri's and totally destroy them then on Tues we will Kill Bi's!! Get those arms ready for our feeder workouts we will be doing every night before we hit the hay!! I can't even begin to explain how incredible these feeder workouts are!! If arms are a weak point or you just want to gain an inch or so of pure muscle then feeder workouts can make that shit happen!! So the official day when we start the feeder workouts for arms will be Thurs March 3rd! So tomorrow we will Kill Tri's and Tues we will Kill Bi's and then let upper body rest on wed but we will destroy legs and then the fun begins on Thurs March 3rd! We will do the feeder arm workouts every night before bed!! The results you will get from adding these into your program are seriously unbelievable!! For more info on Feeder workouts go to my channel and watch the videos I have posted on Feeder workouts. This info and these workouts are honestly the best info ever!! The results are amazing and if I could go back in time and start my bodybuilding career all over again I could honestly of done some serious damage!! God Damn it!! Lol! I will post a pic from the Tri workout today!! #killinthatshit #1dayumay #loveitkillit #livinthedream #richpiana #5percentnutrition #killit #realfood #5150 #biggerbytheday #bigasfuck #2016bringingbigback #ghettogolds #eatbigtogetbig #realfood #motivation #monstersdoexist #backintheday #nopainnogain #nofucksgiven #fuckajob

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Несмотря на то, что Рич больше не участвует в соревнованиях, он по-прежнему доводит свое тело до крайности, разделяя свой образ жизни с легионами последователей с помощью социальных медиа.

Сейчас он зарабатывает деньги с помощью канала в YouTube, участвуя в различных мероприятиях и продавая пищевые добавки собственной линии питания.

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Here is our newest 5%er athlete @pmluke_cage and I have to say he has crazy ass genetics in this pic he weighs 215lbs!! This is the type of physique my next series will be based on! I uploaded a new video on my Rich Piana YouTube channel this morning featuring this beast! Go follow @pmluke_cage for insane inspiration and motivation!! My goal is to have the perfect physique visually and physically and have as much muscle mass as possible without going backwards- losing function- losing mobility and losing flexibility! I'm huge still weighing around 310 and although looks impressive it is pretty useless and definitely just to much muscle! My goal in the next series will be to get down to 240 which will be a loss of 70lbs! I will look a million times better and be a million times better in every way! Check out the video and how many times can you bench your body weight or squat your body weight- dips- pull ups?? I can tell you this weighing 310 my numbers are shit!! The bottom line is if your numbers are higher then your stronger it's all relative even if you weigh 150lbs!! #whateverittakes #welcometoourworld #loveitkillit #1dayumay #richpiana #weareallinthistogether #family #5percenters #forlife #monstersdoexist #killit #5150 #alldayyoumay #realfood #fullasfuck

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А в годы участия в соревнованиях Рич тратил на гормон роста до 2500 долларов в месяц, не учитывая стероиды.




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