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Приключения фотографа и его гигантского пса.

10 мин

Когда фотограф Кристофер Клайн (Christopher Cline) переехал из Вирджинии в Миннесоту, он затосковал по прежнему месту жительства и почувствовал, что может дойти до депрессии. И тогда его подруга подарила ему Джули. Несмотря на то, что Крис был вовсе не готов заводить собаку, подарок пришёлся ему по душе, а потом они и вовсе стали лучшими друзьями. Это был тот самый случай, когда четвероногий друг вернул человеку радость жизни и вдохновение.

Теперь Клайн создаёт удивительно милые фотографии о приключениях человека и его… гигантской собаки. Естественно, делает он это при помощи фотошопа, а смысл в том, чтобы эти фотографии имели на зрителей такое же воздействие, какое вызывают детские книжки.

«Я мгновенно влюбился в свою собаку. Мы сразу подружились, да так, что теперь совершенно неразлучны. Она полностью изменила мою жизнь. Я обожаю свою собаку и то, что мы с ней вытворяем. А ещё — я снова почувствовал страсть к жизни и к своей работе!», — говорит Клайн.

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Juji got his hair cut today! Obviously, this is an older edit, but before we show you guys what he looks like I want to have a little fun. I want my first edit with him and his short hair to be something that you choose. So here's my offer. Whoever comes up with the best idea for a short hair Juji edit will not only have me do it, but you will also receive a free edit of you and your puppy. So I want some really creative ideas that have something to do with him having short hair. Let's hear some good ones, because I'm gonna do something fantastic for free for whoever comes up with the best idea…I'll review all the submissions in the morning and contact my choice tomorrow afternoon. Let's have some fun. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram  #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #ellen #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #ellendegeneres #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #theellenshow #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs.

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Today, #twincitieslive aired my photos on their show and Juji and I had front row seating. Thanks to everyone at @twincitieslive for your support and for thinking of me for this. Feeling pretty proud right now. Big thanks to @dreaming_big_mn for helping me with my pics for this edit. She's amazing. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram  #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #twincitieslive #theellenshow #ellen

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"Juji… I want to talk to you about personal hygiene….." Our walk today gave me the chance to warn Juj about haircut day that is coming this Wednesday. He's getting shaggy again, so he's getting trimmed down to next to nothing. But I love when this happens because it gives us a fresh start. He'll look totally different, but I assure you, the edits will be just as fantastic. #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram  #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #ellen #ellendegeneres #arts_help #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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Sometimes when things get too hectic it's good to grab some headphones, head off into the void, and take time to think through things. Don't act on emotion. Just take in the world around you…and be thankful for the simple things. Today was one of those days. Juji and I had rough day. Thankfully, Pink Floyd never let's us down. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram  #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs #theellenshow

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"Stormy skies". This is what Juji will look like on Thursday after we get him trimmed. I'm always concerned people will shy away from my account if he isn't shaggy, but thankfully, we didn't have that problem last time. I'm always so grateful for everyone who is able to transition with us and his cuts. I just had to share this again for the @rebels_united challenge #sky_ru. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram  #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #jj_forum_1593

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"Dad, I like you. You seem like a good person. You feed me, walk me, bathe me, and overall you're an alright guy. But if you try to cut my hair with that thing…I WILL eat your face!"…. So haircut day is coming on Thursday and we're all kinds of on edge about it around here. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. Plus, I'd like to keep my face. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram  #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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"I don't wanna work today, Dad. I just wanna take in the sights. Now turn around so I can see stuff"….There are days… many, MANY days, that Juji doesn't feel like cooperating with me while I'm trying to put something together for an edit. And if there's one thing I've learned over the last year of doing these, it's that sometimes you just can't make a dog do anything he doesn't wanna do. He will literally play dead when I try to get the pose that I need. So, sometimes you just have to carry him to get what you need. Today, I carried him and it still worked out. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram  #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs #mymodernmet

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"Family Portrait"… Last weekend we traveled to Mineopa Falls for a day trip to capture photos of the ice before it melts away. It was an incredible day for photography and I actually got some help from my better half snapping this unreal photo. I am always, and I mean ALWAYS, blown away by @dreaming_big_mn and her point of view, her technical work, and how she sees the world around us. Please visit her gallery…its worth every minute you spend there. She even gets the Juji seal of approval. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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A break in the cold Minnesota weather brought the two of them outside for some adventure. Unfortunately, Chris forgot that during the long winter he had neglected to fix the brakes on the beach cruiser that now barreled down the hill at top speed. Juji on the other hand, had only one thing on his mind….the thrilling thought that his massive weight only pushed them further and faster to an inevitable disaster at the bottom of the hill…with him on top of the pile, giggling at the man who calls himself master. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram  #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #jj_forum_1593

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"Dad…I can appreciate your love of this place…but my back is getting wet and I'm about to snap! Let's go sit by the fire."…..Hiking at Minneopa Falls with the Juji. My need to take a walk and capture pictures is about to be downgraded to making 'smores. Which is not all bad. #rebels_h #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #hiking #arts_help #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #artofedina_enjoyyourparks #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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"Quiet conversations"… There's rarely a day that I don't hold a human-like conversation with the Juji. Whether it's about girls, or sports, or even what brand of cereal has the best toys in the box. But this morning was strictly a 'what sunrise is the best' conversation. We both agreed that our house, no matter what day… (hands down), is the place to be. Now let's eat some Froot Loops. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  @dogsandpals #whpfirstlight #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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"SHHHHHH! HUSH, DAD! THE CUTE DOGS ARE ON TV!"… This morning the puppy and I watched the Westminster dog show. Everything was going fine until the terriers came on TV, at which point I'm fairly positive Juji went through puberty at an accelerated rate. He has a thing for terriers half his size. But then again, most dogs are half his size. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #westminsterdogshow #jj_forum_1593

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"I don't have to swim faster than him, Dad. I just have to swim faster than you!"… Although closely related to the Loch Ness monster, the elusive Minnesota Lake monster feeds primarily on 41 year old men with beards who can't swim faster than their dog. Bummer for me. Today I needed to break up the monotony of all the winter pics I've been doing so I dug out some fall pictures and threw this together. It was fun doing this one. #barkbox #Bestdog #clinesworld #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram  #goldendoodle #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  @dogsandpals #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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*The four of us*…. One of my favorite pics from last spring. Im so over winter, and we still have at least three months left here in Minnesota. I'm so sorry for regifting edits lately, but I'm so sick of the cold. I need some warmer weather. I may have cabin fever. #four_ru #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  @dogsandpals #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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"I love the feeling of sand between my toes, Dad!"… Walks on the beach with a wet dog is just what I need right now. It's so cold here. Todays theme in the @jjcommunity is "The Ocean", which is nice because I'm kinda getting worn out on the winter photos. But it's nice to know that in just 4 short months I'll be doing this once more with my little buddy. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics  #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  @dogsandpals #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #jj_forum_1593

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***Flashback***… One year ago I made the decision to make my account totally about my adventures with Juji. I had 1000 followers and struggled daily with editing ideas and editing concepts that were pleasing to your eye as well as my own. Obviously, I do this because it makes me happy, but I also do it because it makes others happy too. I love that this gives me the means to meet so many creative people. I love that I'm able to do this for people all over the world. And I love the fact that working every day with Juji has brought us so close together. So thank you, everyone, for the support and positivity that you give me daily. Juji and I really appreciate it. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics #two_ru #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  @dogsandpals #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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"Ummmm…. Dad? You okay? Shake it off, old man. We've got more sledding to do."…. Instead of helping me, Juji takes a moment to enjoy my misfortune. But on a happier note, today is @dreaming_big_mn birthday. We're spending our day baking cakes, playing in the snow, and watching terribly bad TV. Please visit her amazing page and wish her a happy birthday. #barkbox #Bestdog #worldofcutepets #chrisandjuji #goldendoodles #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #weeklyfluff #rsa_graphics #two_ru #ig_underground #shotaward #dogsofinstaworld #dogsandpals #dogscorner #igbest_dogs  #excellent_dogs #dog #puppiesofinstagram #bestwoof #dailydoseopuppies #instadog  @dogsandpals #petscorner #animaladdicts #mydogiscutest #petsofinstagram #exklusive_shot #hikingwithdogs #campingwithdogs

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