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Эта раскрепощенная парочка публикует ну уж очень откровенные фото в Instagram…

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Художник Митч Гобел и инструктор по йоге Салли Мустанг страстно любят друг друга и не стесняясь делятся своей любовью в инстаграме. Публичная любовь, или любовь на показ, вот как это выглядит.

Митч Гобел и Салли Мустанг…


Митч – художник.

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You can now view all my available Artwork and stories behind each piece on my website- www.sallymustang.com (click the link in my profile ) ? Sneak peak of the story behind an artwork called: Indian Summer.. In my mind, I’m sitting on the beach at Little Vagator – Goa, India while I paint this, I have a group of beautiful Swedish, tranced-out hippies on one side of me, curing a hangover with a coconut each and some German backpackers on the other enjoying lunch from one of the various restaurants scattered on the sand… In Goa the music is louder, the dancing starts earlier and there are neon teepees everywhere. I actually felt overdressed for once in my life, wearing a ripped band shirt, denim shorts and some coin chokers I picked up earlier at the famous Anjuna markets. Everywhere I look men, woman and children are clad in tiny leather skirts and vests with not much else on underneath, they all are wearing gladiator sandals or warrior style boots and store their drugs and cash in a leather bum bag around their waist. I start to relax, have a dance and start to connect with others to the earthy trance music scene, which is Goa. Read more by clicking the link in my profile

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Салли – смелая изобретательница, а также…

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An insight into the post that has recently has been deleted and created quite a stir : The post was an image which showcased a beautiful afternoon. The story is pretty magical actually. I met this man who had a flower farm, my mind went — ding✨ I Came home with bucket loads of flowers. I asked my good friend and make up artist @pheobefever to come over to create something special, and Ming from @thedrifterblog to come capture the moment. Mitch and I cut the stems off all the flowers scattered them around our back yard, and made out while Ming took photos, it was a really creative expression for me. The colours and beauty of the flowers represented our love and afterwards, we wrote together over dinner, remembering an afternoon that was especially raunchy for us. The writing was about a particular summer day when we desperate for each other's bodies. It was consuming and powerful. It was definitely written on a more physical level. Not so much the spiritual or emotional side of sex. Which are of course just as important aspects to our sexual relationships. I guess they are even more intimate and special, so maybe harder to share and describe. @mitchgobel_resinart and I often create and write together, Sex is a huge part of our relationship. We did a journal entry one night after particular steamy afternoon. We read it to each other and got a little excited and inspired by it. Writing our experience down actually opened up communication between us and gave us an insight into how the other half felt during sex. Our sex life has never been better. We decided others might enjoy and be inspired by it. I'm also huge on being honest. This is an honest connection and sensation. I love writing about it. So much that Mitch and I are considering writing a book. We would have a lot more freedom with how we could express ourselves and wouldn't have to leave any bits out ? what are your thoughts on this? Over the next few weeks I'm going to write about sex on an emotional and spiritual level, as well as a physical level. I'm stoked to have your support on this and I hope you enjoy the beautiful moment captured here ??? Lets be open minded ✨

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художница, инструктор йоги, модель, стилист и блоггер.

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I am dancing when he comes in from a shower. Before I move to kiss him, his arms are around me. He presses me against the window. My back to him. He moves my hair to the side. Breaths deeply but dosnt say a word.. My eyes close. Completely focused on the sensations in my body. I wanted him to touch my thighs, the insides — the outer and then move slowly upwards. He surprised me, going instead straight for a more intimate area. His kisses then travel down my spine as he peels my clothes away. . He turns me to face him. I go to speak- Shhh he whispers.. His hands cup my face, turning my lips to his .. Kissing has me aroused always. Our lips connect and there is fire there. It travels from my head down my spine. I could kiss him for hours. Maybe even get off on it alone. I pull away. Need to. I breath. Come back to world. I open my eyes and he is looking me. So deep. His soul is looking at my soul. He can read my mind I know it. Shit. My mind is thinking things I don't want anyone to know. My mind is all on him. Him inside me. Him in love with me.. He kisses me again and my mind is lost. .. Gone It's good to feel alive @mitchgobel_resinart

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Пара живет в районе пляжа Байрон-Бей в Австралии.

Более всего их волнуют вопросы экологии.

Они сотрудничают со многими учреждениями по защите дикой природы.

Даже одежда пары экологически чистая.

Цена картин, написанных Митчем, иногда достигает 11 000 долларов.

Недавно Митч даже пожертвовал 25 000$ одной крупной ветклинике в Австралии.

Наиболее важной особенностью пары является то, что они без лишней скромности размещают на своих страничках в Инстаграм и личных блогах посты о своем сексуальном опыте.

Девиз пары «Секс – это искусство».

Пара стала обсуждаемой в интернете после того, как их пост удалили из Инстаграм из-за жалобы одного пользователя на фото, размещенное Салли. Его признали чересчур откровенным.


Салли, в свою очередь, так прокомментировала ситуацию в соцсетях: «Дорогой мир, секс – это не та вещь, которую нужно запрещать или удалять. Напротив, нужно делиться своим сексуальным опытом».


Кроме того, Салли была весьма раздражена тем, что ее пост удалили, ведь, как она утверждает, на подготовку этого снимка была затрачена уйма времени и сил.

90% подписчиков на профиль ребят поддержали их.

Остальные 10% считают пару перешедшей рамки приличия.

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When I say I love you, it's not because I want you or I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me, I love what you are, what you do, how you try. You make stuff happen, if you want something you take it, you make it, or you create it. @mitchgobel_resinart The universe is crazy. The way it aligns you to the people you need the most. The ones who bring out the best in you. I woke up this morning from a dream. I was floating. So light. So peaceful. It brought me to this moment. In your arms down this stream. This photo captures so much- the beautiful adventures we take, the element of nature. The love and passion we share with one another. Your holding me, like always, keeping me safe, keeping me close. Belonging to each other. Filled with love this morning. Happy Friday Lovers

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А вот родители ребят, напротив, на их стороне.

Салли задается таким вопросом: «Если мы спокойно обсуждаем еду или переживаемые нами чувства и то, как они влияют на нашу жизнь, почему мы должны умалчивать важность секса?!»


Митч же говорит о том, что секс в его жизни занимает огромное место и является даже более важным, чем творчества!

Хотим отметить, что в Instagram у Салли сегодня более 171 000 подписчиков.

У Митча тоже немало — более 136 000.

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Wild crazy something ✨

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Мечта пары заключается в следующем: весь пережитый ими сексуальный опыт они хотят перенести на бумагу и оформить это в виде романа!

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Paint breaks. @mitchgobel_resinart

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Мы же, в свою очередь, желаем этой немного сумасшедшей паре…

успехов и…


бесконечного счастья!


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